


Jamal Youness

Jamal Youness

19 March, 2021 · 3min 📖

As a UI designer, you are always the one in charge of so many challenging tasks. You are normally the one who should make sure that the application’s interface is attractive, so visually stimulating, and suitable for the business goal and set of themes. And since we are living in a world that is quickly evolving and moving, you have to be always in progress looking for new ways to be evolved and improved as well.
The most successful designers in the world do know the valuable role that continuous learning plays in today’s world. Because they know how much important it is to stay on track with how the end-user needs and expectationsUI DESIGN SKILLS: how can I LEVEL UP my UI DESIGN SKILLS? do evolve and change continuously, they try to develop their practices and skills according to them as well.
This takes us to start thinking about the things that UI designers can do to keep evolving too in order to meet their end user’s expectations.
Next, we will be discussing some of the ideas that can help designers leverage their UI design skills and grow daily.

Words make a true big difference in UI design. Do not be afraid to use and try various typefaces and pairings. You can experiment with various ones each time, but they also should be thought through well. Try to discover what works best for you and improve it regularly too.
Even a small appropriate change like this can amazingly affect your designs and attract your users’ attention.

Your design details:
Always pay much attention to your design details by trying to choose the colors that best match with your typeface and your product’s personality and character. Each element of your design does actually has its own different character, and your mission is to choose the ones that best work together. For example, an app for booking lawyer’s appointments will not look great with a light green color and a quirky typeface.

Make your designs adaptable:
While designing, you should keep in mind all the situations that may a user go through while using your product or app; and then you should try to consider them while designing. Designers often forget for example that users will not be always using their apps in closed inside rooms where the sun does not exist that they miss making their app seen and readably accessible even in sunny places. Make sure that your app is always adapted to be used everywhere and anywhere in a way that pleases your users.

Corporate with the team:
Design unifications is so important when it comes to teams that contain developers and designers that is why you should make sure you corporate well with the developers of your team. Keep them on track with your works by documenting them all in a way that are accessible by all the team members at once.
The documentation can be done in so many ways. For example, you can start by documenting all the different states of the design components you use. You can create a one-source page where you can add all your typography elements, colors, icons, and grids for developers to come to whenever needed.
Doing this will save you time and effort, and it will also help the project be viewed holistically.

Create your own timing:
Now and more than ever before, it becomes so hard for us to stay focused on doing one particular time at a time due to the great amount we are surrounded with daily. That is why you should start dividing your day into small periods that will be spent on a different type of tasks. This way, you will make sure that you are more able to concentrate on each task effectively and will know how to manage your efforts and projects.

Leveling up your skills and being on track with the design world changes need so much practice and patience, but with time, you will be able to do it effortlessly and effectively.


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