PEP 8 guidelines & tools : because code is read much more often than it is written
The text is written once and we read it once !As a Python programmer, what I like most about Python, is its high readability. In fact, a high level of readability is at the core of the Python language...
Analyse des sentiments pour Devoxx Morocco
Notre expérimentation comporte deux étapes : l’apprentissage et les tests tels qu'illustrés par la figure, avant d'entrer dans les détails, nous décrivons d'abord notre environnement de travail. Env...
Analyse des sentiments : Généralités
Dans la littérature, l'analyse des sentiments (sentiment analysis) est également appelée opinion Mining, opinion extraction, sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis, affect analysis, emotion analysi...
Une Brève Introduction à la Blockchain
Cet article a pour but de démystifier la blockchain en expliquant, pas à pas, les divers procédés et technologies servant à l'implémenter. Blockchain : Définition et Fonctionnement en théorie La défi...
Data Visualizations
What is Data Visualization In the big data era, data is emerging from everywhere and new technologies allows us to gather more and more data. In general, big volume of data in its raw state are useles...
NLP Based Recommender System Without User Preferences
Recommender systems (RS) have evolved into a fundamental tool for helping users make informed decisions and choices, especially in the era of big data in which customers have to make choices from a l...
Secure kibana dashboards using keycloak
Kibana [] is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch ...