Back End
A Guide to Software Resilience Patterns
Despite the enormous amount of time and effort we invest to manage risk when building our services, failures can and will occur. Finding out these points of failure isn’t always easy. Luckily, applyin...
Handling Events with spring
A couple of months ago, I had no idea about Events and how they can be used in our projects...
SOLID Principals
In this article, we'll introduce you to the SOLID Principals and make light on there importance in designing a better software....
JPMS: An Overview
Initially, JCP (Java Community Process) started developing JPMS(Java Platform Module System) in 2006 as JSR 277, and it was scheduled to be released in Java 7. But for some reason, it wasn't. In 2008,...
Capture data change
Or briefly named CDC, is a design pattern that let us track data that has changed, in a more concrete way we are going to explore two implementations of CDC: Fake CDC with Kafka connect: The fake C...
Build It from scratch : (JavaScript module Bundler)
Many of us has used to work with webpack, parcel,... but they don't know the magic behind, by understanding we will be able to make a better design decision about our code ....
Managing microservices using service mesh (sidecar pattern)
As you know on microservice architecture, each service is now built and deployed independently, by small teams, that are flexible to choose their own tools and coding languages. How Microservices alr...
Up and running with Traefik 2 and LetsEncrypt
Traefik is a feature rich, open source reverse proxy. It offers many interesting features like auto service discovery, middlewares, automatic https using let's encrypt... For local testing purposes, ...
NestJS, structure your NodeJS backend.
My experience with NestJS, If you have ever worked with NodeJS and if you don’t have a clear scalable architecture, you’ll end up with messy code, where everyone can add whatever he wants all over th...
SvelteJS Yet Another JS Framework you may say
Yet Another JavaScript framework or what we call JavaScript Fatigue, almost every day, we hear about new libraries and frameworks being released in the JavaScript world and many of them simply reinven...
Monitoring Spring Boot Application
I - Introduction As you may know the main problem with the production environment is how to access to log files, how to check configured properties ... This Blog will introduce how to monitor a sprin...
Specification Pattern avec Spring Data JPA
Intro Souvent lorsque l’on parle de gérer les règles métiers, on pense à moteur de règle, Le design pattern Specification est une solution de gestion de vos règles métiers. Ce pattern a été formalisé ...