Agile methodologies
Les tests non Fonctionnels
Les tests non fonctionnels sont un type de test qui a pour objectif de vérifier les aspects non fonctionnels d'une application logicielle, tels que la fiabilité, la performance, le responsive…...
Design Test cases with Mind maps
Software testing is a creative activity. Designing test cases involves gathering and structuring ideas to explore Maximum features of software and ensure maximum test coverage. Mind Map helps present ...
User Story Mapping 101
As a Product Owner, you might find it hard to clearly explain the vision for your product and engage in discussions with your team and stakeholders. User Story Mapping is one of the many techniques th...
Marketing with a Tech Twist
Agile Marketing is a business practice that allows companies to make the right decision to grow at a fast pace & raise brand awareness with maximum optimization. It’s a process that smart marketers ar...
From "DevOps to RevOps"
« From DevOps to RevOps » In most respectful software engineering companies, DevOps is not a role or a process, there is not a specific person responsible of it, DevOps is more than that ….. it’s a c...
"The magical effect of OKR: an agile goal-setting system"
It's natural that any company in a specific stage would face one of the biggest challenges to "cross the chasm" that can be slowed down while having this great ambition to scale & grow. One day in the...
"Key lessons I've learned about implementing & setting OKR"
A frequent mistake in the Agile community is beleiving that the only solution is to focus on Mindset change ONLY, but it happens that the mindset change is not actionable, first we need to double ch...
Transformation Agile : Dimension Humaine
Transformer une DSI ou une entreprise vers l’agile est une mission beaucoup plus compliquée qu’une simple conduite de projet en agile. Au-delà des aspects méthodologique et technique, d’autres dimensi...
Transformation Digitale : Quelles ruptures culturelles pour mieux se transformer ?
A l’ère du digital, les entreprises doivent faire face à de nouveaux défis et challenges qui impacteront leur fonctionnement interne, leur relation avec le client et leur présence dans le marché. Ces...
Interview with Mohamed Mekran: Agile Transformation Coach
Mohamed has more than 12 years of experience in IT and Digital Transformation. He started his career in a big company but quickly switched to the world of consulting and coaching, passing through seve...
95% score on the PSM I certification: My experience
A straightforward guideline on what to do when you want to take your Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM1) certification. One of the core values at xHub [] is Empowerment, and despite t...