

STORYTELLING in User Experience design: Why is storytelling important in UX design?

STORYTELLING in User Experience design: Why is storytelling important in UX design?
Jamal Youness

Jamal Youness

03 May, 2021 Β· 3min πŸ“–

1- Β  What makes it important?
Storytelling and the use of stories in UX design are believed to be the main separators that separate between the good design and the great one.

Great designers do know the important role that storytelling plays in communicating the core value of their design and they try to know how and when to use it creatively.
Storytelling tool in UX design refers to the ability to construct, craft, and create stories that best communicate the value and purpose of the whole design by creating personas and journeys representing potential users and their own real journeys.

The UX designers should also add conflict-solving elements to help the users make decisions and solve their own. The whole point from using this tool is to get the users emotionally engaged to the using experience and to influence them to choose the solution we offer as to be the needed.
The use of storytelling will improve your designs and make them get the uniqueness needed to accomplish the mission they are to be created for. You just need to know how the storytelling tool works the best. In the next chapters, we will help you do that.

2- Β  How to construct the story? What elements does it need to contain?
In order to create a story that best communicates the message you want your users to get, you should try to work first on these elements. This will help you develop a clear global vision about your story.
β€’ The plot: you have to find your story plot by stating and finding what you want your users to be trying to achieving or overcoming. This will be so important if you really want your users to connect with the story and get emotionally involved.
β€’ The characters: the characters of the story should represent your real potential users and that is why you should know your users more. You will have to know their backgrounds and also their wants, desires, and expectations.
β€’ The story main theme: this is about the overall frame of feelings and things you want your users to understand from your story. You should also be able to know the exact way you can be reflecting the overall obstacles and conflicts that your users must overcome through this journey.
β€’ The dialogues: your story dialogues should indirectly contain the directions you want to give to users. Try to make the dialogues contain the things you want your users to know about while respecting the suitable tone and way of addressing.
β€’ Melody: this has to do with choosing the way you want all the story patterns to appear in a pleasant interesting unique way. The melody should absolutely reflect your creativity and sense of invention.
β€’ The representation: here you will need to decide the way you want to represent the story with the other elements like charts and graphics that must match with the overall story setting.

3- Β  How to make my story great, effective, and unique?
In the last part, we got to know the elements that should be contained in your story. Now, we are going to discuss some practical tips that will make your story represent exactly the message you want your users to understand. There are as followed:

β€’ Get closer to your potential users: if you want your story to be successful in persuading users, you should use your user researching techniques to know them closely first. You should understand their world, the narratives they tell themselves about themselves, their own perspectives of the world, their needs, their motivations, their motives, their goals, and also their wants and desires.
Once you understand these aspects successfully, you can start connecting them with your story. This will make it communicate the desired message.
β€’ Connect your users’ conflicts to the solution your story offers: it is a great way to get the best out of your story. This way you will get your users convinced and interested in what you offer them.o

To sum up, the story telling tool use is an amazing way for UX designers to create and come up with more engaging, effective designs. It helps them better use their creativeness and meet their goals as well.


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