


Jamal Youness

Jamal Youness

07 January, 2021 · 3min 📖

It is known that building an audience is not an easy task. It is not as easy as starting a blog or making a “to-do list” because it needs so much more work and concentration.
People who were successful in attracting the audience’s attention to their works and projects are people who have been successful in understanding the audience psychology. Besides, building an audience has a lot to do with being able to combine between creative good work, social intelligence, and the ability to understand the human behavior.

In so many different ways, it is valid to say that building an audience is so much like seduction. It all depends on building an emotional connection with the people you wish to become your audience. And this can be done through being highly attuned to their emotions, their hopes, their dreams, and their goals. Building an audience is actually more similar to building a personality of your own that can actually attract and match with these people.

Next, we will try to suggest some helpful tips that can make your journey into building an audience successful and progressive.

1-   Try to understand your own psychology:
This starts with acquiring the ability to analyze your personality, your social intelligence level, your skills, and special talents. Then, you should try to develop some of the skills and the characteristics that can help you connect with the audience such as a particular set of values or world-views.

2-   Avoid your own passions:
Try to avoid connecting the building process with your own passions because you may not find many people who do actually share these passions with you. Try to focus on what makes the audience more engaged. Try to focus on their common shared talents, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and views.

3-   Avoid the personal brand deal:
The problem with the personal brand is that you will have to be the brand face or the person creating and building the products, but it is not the purpose. You should create a brand that people may consider from the very first time by starting with their worries and what they want to provide solutions they will love.

4-   Find the purpose:
You should decide where you want to go just at the beginning of your journey. People surrounding you can inform the task, but they cannot decide instead of you. You should take the responsibility to decide the purpose of your journey and determine how far you want to take it. Try to look for people who took your road before and succeed, benefit from others experiences, have some monitoring guidance, and then decide for yourself. Find a purpose that can connect you more with your audience by relating it to them using empathy.

5-   Use your creativity to reflect your best version:
Do not try to do things that everyone is doing. Try to stand out of the crowd to reflect your own beliefs and ideas in relation to your audiences’ needs and interests.

Besides these very basic things that you should do, there are some psychological methods that you can use to gain your audience’s attention and raise their interest in what you do. Some are as followed:

1-   The use of stories:
Using stories that are so much like your audience’s, and which reflect their own worries, fears, desires, and wants will make them connect with you instantly. Try to build your stories creatively and based on real situations and problems your audience may often face.

2-   Always tell them how they can benefit from it:
People do not often care about the features of a thing they are supposed to buy, and instead, they care about how this thing can benefit them. Always stress the mentioning of how your brand products will benefit the audience, how it will change their lives positively, and how it will solve their problems.

Building an audience starts when you start putting your audience and its desires first.


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